Free 7 step guide

Becoming a Health and Fitness Influencer

…when you’re already busy.


What you’ll learn

Free up more time, so that your days aren't just "busy" but truly full and fulfilled as you work towards your goals.

Know you don't have to have it all figured out right away. You'll be supported with all the tools and resources.

Utilize a system to launch a flexible and authentic business as an influencer in small pockets of time throughout your day

Where to begin…

I know what it's like to want to start something of your own. To want to help others, make an impact, and be someone of significance but struggle on being able to find the time.

But let's be honest, is there ever really enough time or will it ever be the right time?

I'll help you create the time to start a rewarding and flexible business even if you feel like you don't have it or have no idea where to begin.



Your something more

I struggled with finding the time for years. I had SO much on my plate, but I also craved something "more." First, it was working a full time job while balancing a masters program. Then, it was being fully present as a new mom. I learned quickly that timing will never be right.

That's when I began to take control. I learned organizational strategies, time management techniques, and jumped onboard with a business platform that allowed me to grow a business on my terms, in my style, on my schedule.


"Katelyn is transparent when it comes to her business and her life itself, which is so inspiring. She has a willingness to answer questions and encourage and provides the motivation and inspiration to give this business thing a try."

-Kara, business partner, mentee, & friend


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Katelyn is…

a busy wife and mom to two little boys (and a tiny pup)! She is a certified yoga instructor and health and fitness influencer who mentors women looking to build their own online wellness business.